Raivyn Member


  • Similar age, mother of 2, same weight loss goal :-) I have been a large body type my whole life, always active, always ate normal/healthy. I've gained most of my weight due to medical issues & mostly since having my two children. I've tried all the diets since I was age 12 (including extremely unhealthy ones & starvation)…
  • go elsewhere and start shopping around. That will give you an idea of whats out there, what styles you might prefer and what ones to stay away from. Take lots of pics of likes and dont likes, print and mark them for reference. Plus you can price shop, just in case this store just happens NOT to be the cheapest for a dress…
  • When I asked my doctor about weight loss, he told me that I needed to worry about getting enough rest first. He said that I would not loose weight until I started getting enough sleep. I think I am getting what "should" be enough sleep finally these past 2 years (since my youngest was 3) but my body is still tired all the…
  • the choices you make should not have a large effect your daughter. You should be able to keep her diet similar to what it has been. Remember she is not dieting and quite honestly, it is healthy for her to not prefer meat as long as she is getting other good sources of protien and iron. My daughter was a self proclaimed…
  • Since you do it on a regular basis, it should be documented under your lifestyle section where you can chose seditary, mod-active, and so on. Exercise (cardio) would be getting your heart rate up and keeping it up for a period of time. Say you parked further from work than you usually would and then speed walked, that…