

  • That's a cool story! Congrats!
  • Shin splints are inevitable when switching from treadmill to the road. The pain is caused by the shin bone separating from the muscle due to impact. Typically they will go away on their own. I used to get them just as bad as you! Some days I literally moaned and groaned with every step! I would ice them and cut my running…
  • I don't have any suggestions as I'm going through the same thing. Haven't done a race since June of 2009 because of knee problems. I'm hoping once I drop some weight that some of the pain will go away naturally. Congrats on completing the marathon! I'm sure walking wasn't the way you wanted to do it but completing it is…
  • You can also try>training>smart coach. It will ask for some basic information and give you a personalized training program for whichever type of race you are training for. I've used this for a marathon and a few 1/2 marathons and it has worked pretty well. Good luck!
  • That's a pretty incredible story of survival! Congrats on your recovery thus far and good luck in the future. You can definitely find the support and encouragement you need on this site. I've only been at it for a few weeks now but I am amazed at the community on this site! Again, good luck! Anthony
    in Hello! Comment by ant17r December 2010
  • Make it challenge for yourself to stay under your calorie goal. Almost like a game! It can be fun to plan your day and keep your calorie count in check. You end up starting to look forward to your day and to the things you have planned (food and/or exercise). Good luck!
  • Too funny! Thanks for sharing.
  • I just looked up that recipe and that sounds really good. I'm gonna put those items on my next shopping list and give it a try. Thanks for the suggestion. Anthony
  • Seeing as how you've done it before I'm sure you'll be able to jump right back in! Good luck! Anthony
  • My wife and I did the same thing. It's not's sensible!!! There's never a wrong time to be healthy. A few treats around the holidays are ok but being healthy overall is the most important thing. Good luck! Anthony
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