Anyone trained for a 10k run?

tashie76 Posts: 18
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I am starting my new eating plan tomorrow, 1 Jan, with the help of MFP. There is a 10k run I would love to do in June with my sister, and I want to be able to run it all.

I did do a bit of running about 18 months ago, along with the gym, but since then have been pregnant and have a baby of 6 months old and gained quite a lot of weight.

Has anyone gone from almost couch potato (already back to the gym) to being able to do a 10k run? How did you do it? xx


  • AnneM822
    AnneM822 Posts: 3 Member
    Check out the Nike+ (nikeplus) training program. worked great for me!
  • ant17r
    ant17r Posts: 13
    You can also try>training>smart coach. It will ask for some basic information and give you a personalized training program for whichever type of race you are training for. I've used this for a marathon and a few 1/2 marathons and it has worked pretty well. Good luck!
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Im currently doing the Couch to 5K running program and I think its GREAT! After I finish the Couch to 5K, Im going to move on to the Bridge to 10k program.

    Here are 2 links for Couch to 5K and Bridge to 10k:;s=2_3;site=1

    Good Luck!
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Im currently doing the Couch to 5K running program and I think its GREAT! After I finish the Couch to 5K, Im going to move on to the Bridge to 10k program.

    Here are 2 links for Couch to 5K and Bridge to 10k:;s=2_3;site=1

    Good Luck!

    Yep this was my route I am still doing second programme, and plan on continuingvto marathon training..... And all using the fantastic apps that you can find on iTunes BRILLIANT
  • Thanks guys, will have a look at them. x:tongue:
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    My tip is first off....get good shoes. Not just some random shoe store, an actual running store. They're not cheap, but the workers there will actually take the time to watch your gait as you run and find the shoes that will work the best. They're not selling a style, they're selling you a shoe that will fit and work well. No joke, when I finally caved and got true running shoes, a lot of the pains in my back, thighs, legs, butt and feet all were diminished drastically! That made a HUGE difference for me. Second...set reasonable goals. If they seem too difficult you won't get out the door. I usually set a range, so that I get out the door but if I'm doing well I keep going for the higher end. I never ran before in my life and started training in August for a half marathon I will be running in 2 weeks. Made it 10 miles today! But the key was making it so that psychologically I could get out the door and do it every day. I tried running about 4 years ago and quit cause I made it too tough and couldn't follow through. Hope this helps!
  • congratulations on signing up for a 10k. that is a big step. if you set little goals for yourself and work up the amount of running/walking you do slowly, you shouldnt have many problems. i am a terrible runner and i was able to finish one.
    i made up my own regimen by running three or four times a week. i started out running two miles without walking. did that twice and then bumped it up a half mile. ran 2.5 miles twice and then bumped it up again until i got to running 8 miles without walking. thats as far as i got before the race and i was able to run the first half solid.
    -strange side note- the day i ran the farthest was the day i couldnt wear my contacts and subsequently ran blind. my mind kept thinking i was 'almost there' when in fact i had a long way to go. i barely got tired because i tricked my brain. it was the best.
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