andimeg Member


  • I eat chocolaty cereal (like Coco Puffs) dry. You can fill up a pretty good sized bowl for not too many calories.
  • I think you are doing great! I am not an exercise fan, so I have been doing something similar. Whatever you can stick to is the right routine for you, I'd say!
  • Nice! We are the same height and have similar starting weights and goals. I've only lost 10 pounds so far--looking forward to 159!!
  • I have the same problem. I eat a lot of greek yogurt and it took a while for me to notice how much sugar is in one of the containers with fruit! Now I get a big container of plain, nonfat greek yogurt and add plain fruit and a LITTLE bit of sugar. Cuts it way down, and it's still sweet enough for me. As for breakfast, I…
  • Please try not to blame yourself. I had two miscarriages at similar times in their development as you and, as my doctor told me over and over, there is not one thing you could have done to prevent it. There was a problem, and your body just knows what to do. It is so hard, but take the time you need to heal.