

  • I always say I'm like Oprah, I can gain and loose 50 pounds when I sneeze! LOL, not really funny, super unhealthy, but hey you have to laugh at things sometimes. I go from Super motivated to "I don't care" really quick. I wish I could find a "healthy" medium level.
  • Same issue here, I dove off the wagon head first at Christmas and told myself I would get right back on and I've been having a super hard time catching up to the wagon.... which seems to have left me in dust with an extra 8 pounds to keep me company.
  • I've had success in the past with juicing, but never to the point of an actual "juice fast" per say. I do a smoothie every morning for breakfast (usually kale/spinach/strawberries, half a banana). I find it holds me over pretty well until lunch and once you get past the color it's actually really good! I also find…
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