

  • I sure we all know how you feel, I know I do! Cardio is the fastest way to burn calories, and has always been the must successful for me. Due to your hip problem I would really encourage you to talk to your doctor about it swimming is a good option for you. It is a great way to get a good cardio workout without adding…
  • Height? 5'6 Starting weight? 135-140 (I don't have a scale at the moment) Current weight? 135-140 (Just joined on Tuesday) Goal Weight? 120 Age? 21 How many calories you eat a day? 1300 - sometimes I eat back what I exercise depends how hungry I am. Feel free to add me! I need motivation, especially since Christmas is…
  • Hi! My name is Jenna I'm 21 years old and attend University in Canada. I am going on a tropical vacation in the middle of feb and I am trying to get bikini ready while also staying on top of a load of homework :( Current weight ~ 140 Goal weight - whatever I can lose by feb! If anyone else is in the same boat add me and we…