

  • You can't lose weight for someone else, gotta do it for yourself. Find your WHY (Jillian Michaels). Look at those 20 lbs as long term weight loss. They didn't happen overnight and nothing will take it off over night. If he is patient and supportive it will be a great thing for both of you. If he isn't patient...
  • Also, think long term, what you want to look/feel like in one year? Irrational goals lead to frustration and giving up. Make it your goal to not give up on yourself.
  • Females will fluxuate because of their cycle. Hang in there and keep track of your food intake on MyFitnessPal. That really helps me hold myself accountable. Watch your sodium intake too. Look at examples on for motivation. Many of those people were where you are now and have seen amazing results. Because you…