I really need help - lost 2 lbs and gained them back

I am trying really hard to eat right. I weight 253 and am very depressed. I have knee problems and cannot do exercise that involve a lot of knee bending or even getting on my knee. I've lost my job so I can't afford a gym. I was 225 two years ago and since I've lost my jot I've gone into depression and just starting eating everything and know I feed horrible. I really want to get this weight off I'm at the end of my rope and cannot continue like this. Please someone friend me and help me? I am desperate!!


  • nadz6012
    nadz6012 Posts: 126 Member
    Don't panic! I can fluctuate 5X that much in a week because of water weight. Just keep your deficit and you will lose I promise! Be patient and determined and good things will happen!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Try chair aerobics. Fitness Blender has a challenging, hour long routine for free.
  • ibbray04
    ibbray04 Posts: 227 Member
    You can walk. Even if it's slow at first, you can walk. I have rheumatoid arthritis, and yet I walk and/or run a few times a week. The more you weigh, the worse your knees are going to be. Lose the weight, and your knees will be a lot better.

    Also, getting out for a walk will help you fell better mentally.

    AS for the 2 lbs: I gain and lose 2 lbs every week! It all fluctuates. Don't get fixated on the number. Get up, get out and get moving. You will start seeing a difference in no time.

    Good luck! You can do it!
  • Kimmyv36
    Kimmyv36 Posts: 1 Member
    try small hand weights.. lots of reps
  • GurleyGirl524
    GurleyGirl524 Posts: 578 Member
    can't see your diary, but if you have eaten a lot of sodium filled foods it's very possible to have a gain due to water retention. Don't get discouraged. Remember this is a marathon, not a sprint. Gather your thoughts, set some attainable goals (examples are today I will drink ____ glasses of water, today I will walk ____ minutes). When you achieve those goals, build on them. You will get there. We didn't gain all of our weight overnight and it's not going to come overnight either. Read success stories in the forums. You have made the first step, continue the journey.
  • 88meli88
    88meli88 Posts: 238 Member
    can you walk? 4 times a week, 20 minutes. inrease pace. keep your deficit. drink your water. keep it together. you are in charge here
  • NaturalinCO
    NaturalinCO Posts: 164 Member
    I am trying really hard to eat right. I weight 253 and am very depressed. I have knee problems and cannot do exercise that involve a lot of knee bending or even getting on my knee. I've lost my job so I can't afford a gym. I was 225 two years ago and since I've lost my jot I've gone into depression and just starting eating everything and know I feed horrible. I really want to get this weight off I'm at the end of my rope and cannot continue like this. Please someone friend me and help me? I am desperate!!

    1. relax
    2.. be patient
    3. realize weight fluctuates
    4. be patient
    5. be patient

    Yep! And Even if you can't walk far, just get up, walk to the front of your house. Then to the back as you get moving more...that theory about an object in motion tends to stay in motion is RIGHT. It definitely fluctuates - weight I mean - so don't focus on that. Focus on just moving a little more each day, you'll get there :)
  • I would agree do not panic!! When I first started I was at 252 and I honestly lost the majority of my weight strictly on diet, I didn't start hitting the gym until I plateued at about 200. Do the most that you without exercise and focus on your diet! When I first started I was eating so bad, I noticed such a difference by knowing what I put in my mouth and monitoring how much. Try that and see if that helps! :)
  • Females will fluxuate because of their cycle. Hang in there and keep track of your food intake on MyFitnessPal. That really helps me hold myself accountable. Watch your sodium intake too. Look at examples on BeachBody.com for motivation. Many of those people were where you are now and have seen amazing results. Because you have a little time you can look on line and find tons of exercises to experiment with for free. Do what you can do today and tomorrow you will be able to do a few more, I swear! I found a great motivational quote that helps me push through wanting to give up... "Remember the girl who gave up? Nobody else does either. FIGHT ON!" Find your WHY, dig deep and really find your WHY. (Jillian Michaels) Find a quote that speaks to you and don't give up.
  • Also, think long term, what you want to look/feel like in one year? Irrational goals lead to frustration and giving up. Make it your goal to not give up on yourself.
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    Get a hold of your intake. This struggle is 80% diet and 20% exercise. I'm not saying not to exercise, BUT eating too much is what got all of us in this jam to begin with. Log everything you eat. You can do this. I had 20 lbs to lose and it took me a total of 4 yrs. because I started and stopped so many times. DON'T QUIT!!!
  • andrederosier
    andrederosier Posts: 121 Member
    Do what you can with your limitations. But get up and move. I got a BodyMedia armband and while nothing is totally accurate is tells me getting ready in the morning for work burns 2-3 times than sitting. Doing the dishes and vacuuming burns a good 3 times amount than just sitting. The Biggest Loser had an inspiring person named Moses, can't remember season but guy was huge with problems too and Dolvett had him shadow boxing while seated and he set a record for getting to 100 lb loss. Stick with your eating plan too and don't worry about fluctuations. I set more of a 3-4 lb weight range and it has helped over the past couple years. Headed for Onederland though and have to say I am dreading seeing my range bounce between 198-202 or whatever. I know I am heading in right direction though and have to look forward to where you want to be and not back. No one drives very far if they are always looking out rear window.
  • Become a dog walker (unless you are allergic). Some get paid 20 bucks for 15 minutes. You and the dog get exercise; you get paid. No one said you had to go fast. If you don't have experience, call a local service and ask about on the job training. You can accompany dog walkers and see what they do. If there isn't one....call it an opportunity, get yourself certified, business license...win.

    If you are out and about and doing things to improve yourself and your life, you will find less and less time to ponder the "why me's" of your life, which is what a lot of what your depression is: you feel sorry for yourself - it's the only way you know how to give yourself the attention you need. If you find you are pondering the "why me," stop, change it to "why not me?" Life is filled with things to see. Learn, read, get out. improve. If you want to try free college courses? Here: https://www.coursera.org/courses or https://www.edx.org/. Find something interesting, do it, finish it.

    In the end, don't let the small things get to you. 2 lbs can be water weight, it can be the bowel movement you have yet to take. I would advise sticking to your diet, and getting yourself busy. Ignore the scale for awhile - if you are standing on the scale, what are you doing? Nothing.