

  • i feel like im still postpartum from my first, and she'll be 6 in October! lol i was still trying to lose the weight from her when i got pregnant with this one
  • i will definitely join with you, im also 6 weeks postpartum and have just started my weight loss journey. i want to lose about 50 lbs to get down to a much healthier weight, and i'm aiming to lose at least 10 by the end of September (don't want to aim to high at first) don't know if I've lost any yet, but I definitely am…
  • This is soooo my group right here, lol. My name is Jessica and I'm 26. I've been married going on 7 yrs this November. I have 2 kids, a daughter who's almost 6, and my son was just born on July 21. I have almost no friends who are married or have kids, and it's so hard to relate to them sometimes. They have all the time in…
  • hi, I'm Jessica, welcome! I totally feel you on how hard it is to kick those bad pregnancy habits, its especially hard when your tired and dealing with a cranky baby. I would definitely suggest trying to not have those types of food in the house, thats what I've had to do, and I've found that after a while you don't miss…
  • wow you're amazing! when my son was 6 days all I wanted to do was crawl in a cave and sleep lol. that sucks that its too votar.i. Texas to walk outside because I find that my son is so interested in looking around that I have more time to walk before he gets too fussy. maybe you could try walking in the mall or something…
    in new Comment by snshnangel04 August 2012