Round2KO Member


  • too bad no one's answered you yet, bc I am doing the Tapout XT program and I am wondering the same thing as you! :/ In past posts that asked similar questions, I have seen the answers suggest manually creating workouts for yourself. If, after searching the list of exercsies, yo don't see what you want, scroll to the bottom…
  • Hi! I just started the program yesterday. I lost 20 lbs over the last year, but it started very slowly creeping back up .. I just turned 30 a few weeks ago and I DETERMINED to not be fat miserable 30 yr old who let herself go. I have a blog that I started to help keep me accountable for doing the program and it has already…
  • Good lord, I was just about to begin a topic on this exact problem, but I figured I'd browse through first to make sure I wasn't being redundant with other posts from someone else. Lo and behold, I see your post! I do have some similar issues w timing and impatience. I had done nutrisystem for like two months and lost a…
  • I am currently on Nutrisystem for my third month. I was on it for one month and had major success, lost 10 lbs. I forgot to delay my order and they sent me another months worth, so I said screw it and did it for another month but stopped liking some of the food choices I'd previously liked. I have IBS and have cut out red…