TapouT XT 90 Day Workout Challenge! Just started! :)



  • tcalamity
    tcalamity Posts: 89 Member
    All you Tapout Ladies dont forget to join the Tapout Women Warriors Group on facebook for much support and laughs. Sorry guys only women allowed :(

    You can find it here; https://www.facebook.com/groups/TapouTXTWomenWarriors/
  • tcalamity
    tcalamity Posts: 89 Member
    I just started Tapout. A friend sent me the cardio video and I did that to test if I liked it...well that was two days ago and I'm still hurting! I am going to try and push and officially start the program today though. I have to modify a lot and can't do any of the planks, but I know it'll be a good judge of how fit I get.

    Anyone else 40-50lbs from their goal? I feel like most people I know doing this are within 20 lbs of their goal and quite small so I'm worried I'm too big to start this now.

    Anyway, feel free to friend me for support! I'm going to need it!

    I have just completed my 90 days; I started at 203lbs and im down 18lbs and 34 inches and I still have a way to go. I had to modify because it was hard in the beginning but also because the main reason for me doing this workout was to combat my back problem and strengthen my core. It does get easier but I still modify when my back is really sore. Just take it one day at a time and pretty soon you will find how strong you become xx
  • jfazio22
    jfazio22 Posts: 15
    This topic is a little cold but my wife and I are doing TapouT XT, today is week 8 day 3 (day 52 of 84). My advice to anyone starting this program:

    -Don't try to do the pace of the DVDs from the beginning unless you're already fit
    -It's OK to get beaten down and to pause the DVD to catch your breath or to figure out what in the world Mike is doing
    -Yelling at the TV or Mike is perfectly acceptable
    -Stop in the middle of a move for a breather then jump back in such as: 2 push up jacks, 5 gigantic gasps of air, rinse and repeat
    -Drink lots of water everyday
    -I don't know how it's humanly possible to have a round shelf for a butt like Mike
    -Press play no matter what, even if you just march in place
    -When you get to Cardio XT (day 13), watch Monet - he's dying too (just like me every time I do freaking Cardio XT!)
    -Buy some weighted gloves
    -Consider getting a set of resistance bands (light, medium and heavy)
    -Breathe, don't hold your breath, just breathe
    -Yoga doesn't suck, just constant cobra to upward dog to downward dog does
    -Stretch more if you need it
    -Have fun

    As you progress I have additional advice:
    -I don't know why it's not easier but you're staying with the video and aren't taking as many breathers
    -Everyone besides Mike doesn't do the moves like he does, stick with him when you can and keep modifying when you can't
    -Making snide remarks while still sticking to the routine is perfectly acceptable
    -Wear the weighted gloves
    -Grab the bands where you need the resistance, you don't have to use the handles
    -It's OK to look at yourself in the mirror but you must get into the "check me out" pose
    -Stretch more, you need it
    -Keep on bringing it, you rock!

    We still have a ways to go but we are already planning a round 2, probably a modified schedule. I have been blogging about this journey since it is our first 90 day program. Check it out if you're interested or drop us a line if you have any questions.


  • MommaFuhrer
    MommaFuhrer Posts: 214 Member
    Thinking about getting this program
  • jfazio22
    jfazio22 Posts: 15
    Do it. My regret is that I didn't buy it the first time I saw it. I don't want to elude anyone, this is an extreme program. After the first two days I started thinking, uh oh - I hope I just didn't waste our money. We kept putting the DVDs in and before we knew it we passed day seven, then ten, then day 30 and so on. You will be sore for the first week minimum. You will feel like you got hit by a truck, a really big black smoke spewing diesel guzzling truck. It gets better, it does, trust me. We are still sore today but it is limited to only the specific area covered the day before, it's mild.

    If you get TapouT XT, focus on getting through the first three days then the first ten. Once you get to the end of the second week it gets easier, not easy by any means, but easier. Your body will have adjusted from the initial shock and you will start to settle down. For us, everything got clearer and the focus switched from just surviving to thriving. Now we're scrutinizing each move, by no means are we perfect, this is just an example of how we've adjusted to the program.

    Also, don't look at it as a 90 day solution. Going in we figured it would take us two times to get where we wanted, hopefully. Who cares if it takes 1, 3 or 10 times. You're doing it for you so set the pace you can be successful with. If you can hammer it out in one round and look like the test group then hells yeah. If you're like the rest of us, it's a marathon and not a sprint, something I have to constantly remind myself.

    Oh, TapouT XT is not a traditional circuit training program. Very rarely do you repeat a sequence. Usually when you are repeating a move it's augmented thus making it harder, thanks Mike! So if you thought the burpees sucked the first time, you're wrong, adding the knee strikes the second time is what makes them suck - at first. There are moves you'll grow to love and there are those you'll always hate, One legged in outs comes to my mind.

    I'm sorry if I'm getting carried away or if I'm exuding too much enthusiasm. We've never been into exercise but TapouT XT has changed that. I can't encourage anyone enough to embark on a program, be it TapouT XT or any other. I think starting is the hardest part due to the fear of failure. Wipe that notion from your head. Start one and do the best you can, that's the secret!

  • Awesome I just finished the first week! Indeed I do feel like I got hit by a giante truck! LOL So far im loving the program wish I would have seen it before I bought others :(
  • jfazio22
    jfazio22 Posts: 15
    Awesome I just finished the first week! Indeed I do feel like I got hit by a giante truck! LOL So far im loving the program wish I would have seen it before I bought others :(

    Congrats! Finishing the first week is a HUGE step. The sweetness of that first rest day still lingers in my brain. The start and end of the second week is great. You'll get a pounding with Competition Core then close with my personal nemesis, Cardio XT. Don't worry about buying some other programs. In the future you could mix and match to make the perfect fitness program or sell them on Craigslist.

    Great job and keep bringing it!

  • Thanx! Your wife is your workout buddy I think that's great! You get to push each other. Me on the other hand am flying solo Lol I decided to join my fitness pal to find other peeps on the same boat (tapout xt program). I am determined to finish the 90 days. I will be purchasing tapout xt2 after i complete the first 90 days that's my goal.
  • jfazio22
    jfazio22 Posts: 15
    We've considered XT2 but we'll probably do a second round of XT1 first. XT2 looks to be ridiculously harder. Feel free to hit us up through our website and checkout the TapouT XT FaceBook page, there's always a lot happening there and some amazing results have been shared. Rest up!
  • Lol I know its seems super crazy but i like crazy insane workouts! I wish this message board would pick up would love to hear from the ladies that started in January. I really appreciate your thoughts about the program. You have no idea how many workouts i've done my biggest issue is the nutrition part:/ you guys are ahead of me, but its nice to have some insite from you.
  • Round2KO
    Round2KO Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I just started the program yesterday. I lost 20 lbs over the last year, but it started very slowly creeping back up .. I just turned 30 a few weeks ago and I DETERMINED to not be fat miserable 30 yr old who let herself go.

    I have a blog that I started to help keep me accountable for doing the program and it has already helped keep me motivated.
    http://mytapoutxtjourney.wordpress.com/ I would love if you read it. I am a realistic person, with some humor, and pictures. I'm a normal person trying to make it through the program.

    I am have to say that I am proud of myself for getting through the entire first video yesterday. I never hit pause once. I skipped a couple reps every now and again, and cursed at the TV a number of times, but I did the workout. I was hot and sweaty and practically fainting by the end, but I did it. I am very sore todayin my chase and arms and abs. I am nervous about today's workouts which is upper body and abs! I am going to be DEAD by the end of that 67 minute workout.

    Anyway... Thanks for much for all the encouragement you give each other, it motivates me and lets me know that while I am rolling around in superman plank position (or whaever the hell it is) someone somewhere is also doing it.

    Again, my blog is at http://mytapoutxtjourney.wordpress.com if you're interested in keeping up with my journey. I didn't really find anything like it when I was researching and I find myself looking forward to the workout just so I can blog about it later. :) I'm a teacher, so I like talking and motivating :p

    And I love the advice post, with the list of suggestions. I never thought to hold the resistance bands NOT by the handle.. seems like such a simple solution to the "how do I alter the resistance without tieing myself up in rubber knots?" problem. So thank you for that I will try it tonight when I do my Day 2!

    I also want to add that nutrition is a really big component to this program. If you do a workout but then have a horrible meal right after, it kind of negates the point. I am just as committed to being aware about what I eat as I am about the workouts themselves. I work and have a dog and am busy during my day and I still manage to eat healthy. It can be done!

    See you on my blog!!
  • klwells08
    klwells08 Posts: 158 Member
    I just started yesterday and am looking foward to my workout tonight. I already feel it a bit in my stomach, so the rest of the week should be interesting. I made it through all of yesterday, I'm just glad there was no one around to witness the flailing that occured as I tried to figure out some of the moves!
  • That blog was really cool. Did you ever finish? Great job on the posts btw!
  • jackiemonx
    jackiemonx Posts: 343 Member
    hey i know this is an old thread but ive just started this week.
    does anyone have a copy of the mealplan they can send me? i got a loan of the dvds but no mealplan?