

  • Lets do this then, add me and let the weight fly
  • I have been on med after med, the last one was vicodin and I hated the feeling I got from it so now I suffer all day everyday. The have done MRI's and bone scans and found I have a buldging disk. I figure being only 32 I would tackle the weight and see how much relief that gives. I am 194 pounds right now and want to lose…
  • You can add me, my goal is 60-90, closer to 90 if I can get there though.
  • I really over did it, but I am back on track today. I can't let one day derail me from my goal. I think I went over by almost 700 cals but thats ok.
  • My weight has led to back problems too. I have decided like you to change it. I hate the pain I deal with everyday and even though losing all the weight won't get rid of all the pain anything is better than this. I don't want to be on meds because of this. I am a mom of 3 kids and want to get healthy and be able to bend…
  • I know how you feel. I sometimes feel like i am on this rollercoaster ride all alone. My hubby tries to help but he doesn't need to lose pounds like me. He doesn't understand when I lose even1 pound how big a deal it is to me. I need motivators in my support system.