birdsetfree Member


  • it's 80% what you eat and 20% what you do ... someone wrote it earlier ... you lose weight in the kitchen and get fit in the gym. Words to live by ... and we eat WAY more than we think. Break it all down. If you have a chef salad ... account for every ingredient -- you will be shocked. Also don't guess at portions --…
  • Moving Comfort sports bra a must! it's worth every penny ... I get mine from The rest, I find at discount stores, TJ Maxx, Ross, Target, the thrift stores. everything is either black gray or pink -- it all goes together. The only thing worth spending the $ on is a pair of good shoes and a bra.
  • social decorum is at a seriously low standard. I hate that you are feeling so self conscious. Looks like you have a few options on how to respond: 1. say nothing and ignore them 2. go alpha-dog and stare them down -- chances are they won't be able to meet your gaze or look you in the eye 3. say something snarky while…
  • portions -- until you start to measure your servings you really don't know and you always eat more than you think. When I started measuring, itemizing and accounting for everything in my entree, salad or sandwich -- it was a real eye-opener when I stopped eyeballing it. And I quit eating a few things almost entirely --…
  • Your weight is only one component of overall health. Maybe consider looking at overall body composition rather that the lbs on the scale. For example, get an accurate read on your BMI using calipers and a tape measure. Get a friend to help you measure yourself and record it. In your situation, the lbs on the scale are not…
  • I just keep telling myself that I will have another chance to eat the grease. Sometimes I decided if I'd rather have a great hamburger later or a crappy one from a ff joint now. Usually I choose the great one from a favorite restaurant, then it's more of a treat and I really have to want it.
  • There are a bunch of 40+ who work out like the young bucks. I'm one of them, and I see several at my gym every time I'm there.
  • Welcome! if you track your intake and output you will be surprised (and accountable). It really makes a difference, so keep logging. If you bite it, write it.