Hi sidesteel. Depth looks great. Low bar squat is probably where you want to stay. However if you look at the end of each of your repa you have a slight dip or butt wink. That is a sign that you aren't loose enough in your hips so do some couch stretches and rolling and you should be good.
Currently on week 4. Haven't done a deload. But was sick for 2 weeks with a really bad illness. weight: 162.8 Squat: 195 BP: 130 Row: 100 OHP: 90 DL: 185 About to start taking creatine monohydrate 5g. along with my EC stack so I'll see where I am at in 4 weeks time. And that's great that you got a new rack for the house,…
Warm up enough? I take my time doing all my rolling dynamic stretching and band stretching. Sounds like you are going in cold when squating.