

  • I too tried everything from Weight Watchers to South Beach Diet and I'd lose 3 or 4 or more pounds the first week and then week after week would go by with absolutely no weight loss. I found out my metabolism needed boosting and exercise did it. I started eating better and lifting free weights 3 days per week and doing non…
  • Hello, Everybody! I quit smoking over two years ago and gained a bunch of weight. I am now taking it off bia healthy food choices and cardio exercises. I joined myfitnesspal to keep a record of my diet and exercise and derive motivation with by progress.
  • Nevermind, I found a good site that says you burn 16 calories for every minute you pump iron. That may not be exact, but I'm running with it. BTW Got a reply on the burning calories question I posed on Yahoo Answers. Guy said you burn very little, about the same as running--or walking x distance. Haha. That's what they…
  • Well, I'm new and don't understand something. I do 23 strength exercises 3 x week and cardio 6 x week. First, where do I find how many calories each exercise burns? Second, why don't those calories burned during strength exercises appear on the report. :huh: