

  • I am a notorious night time eater. Some nights I feel like I can't sleep until I eat SOMETHING. But for me, I avoid this by keeping a pretty active eating schedule. If I eat every two hour then I stay satisfied. There may be no scientific data to back up my claims, but being able to go to bed without having to eat a peanut…
  • I'm gonna say 43
  • I am not considered a "shortie". :) I am 5'7''. I am just starting on my journey at a whopping 397 pounds. Going through these pictures have motivated me even more! Even made me cry a little. I am so inspired. And I am SO happy to see all the success these ladies have accomplished! Thanks for sharing your stories! :D
  • I like to go to the bathroom and brush my teeth. First with baking soda and then with toothpaste. NOTHING will taste good after that. Not only that its a confidence boost if you take the time to take care of yourself. Not just diet wise.