

  • I'm a mesomorph body type. I train my body parts separately every day of the week. Whenever I increase weight on a compound movement, I increase weight on my isolation exercises as well. So, the key is to know when you can increase your weight on a compound movement exercise (Deadlift, squat, bench press etc). I opt for…
  • You want low Glycemic, slow digesting carbs, instead of high glycemic, fast digesting cards. It's not wrong to have high glycemic carbohydrates like white bread, white rice, white potato, etc. But you should balance your diet with carbohydrates from both categories, and mainly low glycemic like sweet potato, sprouted grain…
  • My weight loss and muscle gains are for myself. You've bettered your life, congratulations :) , it shouldn't be important that someone has the inability to distinguish healthy dieting from a serious illness. Keep it real, stay healthy gurl
  • Hi there, Have your Fiancee take multivitamins and omega 3 fish oils daily..also make sure he is training with correct form. Have him drop the amount of weight he's lifting and gradually work his way back up. nutrition is very important. good luck lady
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