CARBS??? VEGGIE carbs ok ? Or ?



  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Most fruits are considered a complex carbohydrate and nutrient dense food. The fiber does not allow the body to convert to glucose as quickly as just having a piece of candy or something.

    Sorry to be pedantic but fruit sugars are not considered complex, all sugars are simple, starchy carbs (even the refined ones!) are complex. You are confusing modern and older classification systems - I'm guessing you are thinking about the glycaemic index? If so it's not just the fibre it is also the structure of the carb, certain starches are polymers of glucose, whereas certain sugars are dimers of sugar molecules other than glucose so splitting AND conversion is required.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Most fruits are considered a complex carbohydrate and nutrient dense food. The fiber does not allow the body to convert to glucose as quickly as just having a piece of candy or something.

    Sorry to be pedantic but fruit sugars are not considered complex, all sugars are simple, starchy carbs (even the refined ones!) are complex. You are confusing modern and older classification systems - I'm guessing you are thinking about the glycaemic index? If so it's not just the fibre it is also the structure of the carb, certain starches are polymers of glucose, whereas certain sugars are dimers of sugar molecules other than glucose so splitting AND conversion is required.

    Ok..I digress; my original point being that carbs aren't evil. And yes...I guess I was thinking more in terms of the glycaemic index. I'm trying to ward off diabetes (not there yet) so as not to suffer the same fate as my dad and grandfather, as well as trying to get to a healthy weight and lower my soaring cholesterol and blood pressure and get my fitness back after decades of lounging about the couch drinking Mt Dew.

    I try to limit my carbs to 40% of my diet and I try my damndest to do it with whole foods.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Yeah...but combined with the other nutrients as a whole it becomes complex.

  • timebomb821
    timebomb821 Posts: 41 Member
    Just cut out alcohol, fructose,caffeine and sugar (sweets, bread,etc.). And try eating proteins with fats, proteins with veggies, carbs with fats, carbs with veggies, fats with veggies, fats with sour food, sugar with sour food, beans with veggies and beans with fats.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Just cut out alcohol, fructose,caffeine and sugar (sweets, bread,etc.). The rest is OK.

    So now bread is sugar? I'm so confused.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Just cut out alcohol, fructose,caffeine and sugar (sweets, bread,etc.). And try eating proteins with fats, proteins with veggies, carbs with fats, carbs with veggies, fats with veggies, fats with sour food, sugar with sour food, beans with veggies and beans with fats.

    this is legit
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Just cut out alcohol, fructose,caffeine and sugar (sweets, bread,etc.). And try eating proteins with fats, proteins with veggies, carbs with fats, carbs with veggies, fats with veggies, fats with sour food, sugar with sour food, beans with veggies and beans with fats.

    this is legit

    What is sour food?
  • HypersonicFitNess
    HypersonicFitNess Posts: 1,219 Member
    ATKINS sucks (unless you're looking for a new liver)...don't do it! And vegetables and fruits are WAY OKAY! EAT THEM and LOTS OF THEM!

    Just my humble opinion

    Edit: there is nothing wrong with bread, pasta and rice...just make sure to eat whole grain (those with high fiber...where the fiber hasn't been processed out ...note - not one's processed then fiber added back)
  • Your body uses them all as glucose, the source is irrelevant.

    Weight loss will be determined by your caloric deficit.

    I wish women health was THAT simple
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Your body uses them all as glucose, the source is irrelevant.

    Weight loss will be determined by your caloric deficit.

    I wish women health was THAT simple

    Care to expound?
  • Basics !

    metabolism (solution of different bonds)
    periodic disorders or cycles
    more body fat percentage than men
    and a long list to go
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    Basics !

    metabolism (solution of different bonds)
    periodic disorders or cycles
    more body fat percentage than men
    and a long list to go

    But none of this refutes the statement you were quoting. Carbs are still converted to glucose and weight loss is still driven by energy balance, regardless of the above.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Basics !

    metabolism (solution of different bonds)
    periodic disorders or cycles
    more body fat percentage than men
    and a long list to go

  • I would say that all carbs in moderation will fit into a healthy diet. Those from veggies and fruits are no doubt nutritionaly superior to refined ones. I just try to avoid HFCS, otherwise nibble on.....
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Basics !

    metabolism (solution of different bonds)
    periodic disorders or cycles
    more body fat percentage than men
    and a long list to go

    Yep. I have those things.
    They all contribute to the 'out' side of Calories In= Calories Out.
    So what?

    ETA: Except for the period bit. PMS sometimes contributes to calories in, too. :laugh:

  • and?

    those things have effects. or in better way minor effects.
    what do you think?
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    Your body uses them all as glucose, the source is irrelevant.

    Weight loss will be determined by your caloric deficit.

    I wish women health was THAT simple

    that's so cute! I love it when dudes have the inside scoop on female health!
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    here's my two cents to OP:

    You will lose weight by limiting your caloric intake, true. And you got two choices:

    (1) you can eat tiny portions of "bad" carbohydrate foods (because they also tend to be high in calories) and find yourself feeling like caca (because they also tend to be low in nutrition) "bad" i mean you know white things (get DOWN WITH BROWN! -sorry couldn't help myself!) and things that are highly processed and refined.


    (2) you can eat large portions of "good" carbs (becaue they tend to be lower in calories) and feel much much better (because they tend to have more fiber and nutrients and proteins and what not) "good" i mean things like veggies and unrefined stuff like brown RICE and quinoa. [eek! i wrote brown sugar! so NOT what I meant!]
  • diamondfit1
    diamondfit1 Posts: 47 Member
    The problem with bread is that it contains amylopectin which spikes blood sugar higher than even most refined sugars. Im all for avoiding simple carbohydrates in white bread, and for now im avoid grains in general because I find when I cut out glutenous foods in my diet Im more easily able to sustain my weight. If you arent gluten intolerant or find that you benefit from it in some way, stick to carbohydrates like sweetpotatos and veggies and maybe even pair them with a fat so that they will be digested slower. The slower rate of breakdown stemming from the fats will not cause an insulin spike and therefore no fat storage.
  • You want low Glycemic, slow digesting carbs, instead of high glycemic, fast digesting cards. It's not wrong to have high glycemic carbohydrates like white bread, white rice, white potato, etc. But you should balance your diet with carbohydrates from both categories, and mainly low glycemic like sweet potato, sprouted grain bread, brown whole wheat rice and natural rolled oats. Personally I'll have toast in the morning as my goals are probably different from yours, and a white potato after a workout. I have carbs with every meal as well, but they are mostly low glycemic carbohydrates. Cut calories not carbs.