alissaminten Member


  • Not sure what to tell you regarding others, but can I just take a moment to say "WOW"?!?! Many, MANY congratulations to you! Keep doing what's right to keep yourself healthy. This is so great to hear. You just helped me NOT eat the lemon poppyseed cupcake I don't have any calories left over for today. Thanks for the…
  • Not too fast at all! In fact, when I really eat the way I should, I lose 2 or more a week, even with 10-15 to lose total. I think that initial drop always happens, but then it levels out (as mine will, too, that last five always eludes me!!). Enjoy it and many, many CONGRATULATIONS to you!!!
  • Love the attitude! There are many, many success stories. Yes, might be harder for some with genetic predispositions, but not anywhere near impossible!