

  • Well, I guess so.....that is the average that my BM armband is telling me. However, I don't hit 1022 calorie deficit every day that is just the average over the month. I just went back and calculated my BMR which should be about 1452. I'm somewhat questionable on the calculation I should use to multiple it with. While I'm…
  • I also have the bodymedia armband. I have been wearing mine for about 7 months. So I looked at 28 day file and came up with them saying I should of lost 8.176 pounds over the last 28 days. However, in reality I have actually gained 3.6 pounds during that time period. I have been struggling lately in balancing myself out…
  • I have the BodyMedia Core and I love it. It really helped me understand my actual calorie burned against the calorie consumed. :love:
  • Okay, my TDEE says 1810. I do have a desk job all day, but go to the gym. So I chose sedentary, and put that I work out 5 days a week for 40 minutes. Its telling me to eat 1310 calories. I pre cook all my foods and weigh etc. into containers so my meals for the day are already in the system. I added a kind bar to equal…
  • I think I will manually change it to 1500 calories a day and stick with it through the end of May and see what happens. Unless of course I gain another 5-10lbs. Maybe I am working out to much, maybe I need to cut out a day or two to balance myself out?
  • Originally I based my TDEE on sedentary, because I wasn't a faithful gym person. But now I do go faithfully so, after reading everything said, I just went back and changed it and it is telling me to consume 1310 calories. I'm going to try to make myself eat that many calories and hopefully I will see some results. My…
  • I find the BMF more accurate. I also use one, and I have tested it against the machines and other devices and I believe its correct. We do not burn as many calories as we think we do when working When I first started I thought I would burn like 500-600 calories in an hour...but its some like 200-300 at most and it…
  • CM9178: I have been at a plateau since Jan., I raised my calorie intake in Feb from about 1000 a day to roughly 1300-1400 a day. Now over the course from Feb-Apr I have gained back 5lbs. I work out 6 days a week. 2 or 3 days or weights and plus cardio and the the other days strictly cardio.
  • I can feel your pain. I dropped 15 pounds and I have about 20 more to go but I hit a brick wall. I had upped my calorie intake per instructions from my trainer, but that has definitely not helped! In fact, I have gained back 5lbs over the course of the month. So I'm going to lower my calorie intake back down to where I was…
  • I drink about 120oz a day maybe a little more sometimes. I don't notice the water helping me lose weight. However, I do feel better when I drink my water.
  • I eat both of those fishes on a regular basis. I make them the same way most of the time. I use some Cajun seasoning and wrap them in foil and bake for about 20 minutes. Swai I sometimes just put some garlic, onion and pepper and wrap in foil also.
  • If I look at my goals it says 1780 so if I multiple it my .80 then I should eat 1424 daily. If I don't work out that day for some reason wouldn't I gain weight? I have a difficult time eating up to 1200 calories. I have noticed here lately that I have been consuming empty calories just to get up to 1200 in the first place.…
  • I just opened my dairy for viewing. Yes, I do list everything in my dairy. Though I must say that I had family in town this last weekend and I did have some sweets which is unusual for me. Currently, I'm at 169.8 and I am 5'3" I have been working every hard over the last year to get back to my normal weight. Last year in…