

  • Hi. My first week back at work is going well. Keeping on track really well with my eating. I have done very little excercise cos I ended up with a ripper cold after all the flights to get back home. Total flights were 22 hours and travel time of 34 hours. I am feeling like I have more energy so I feel like I'm moving in…
  • Hi checking back in after my holiday. Did not gain any weight. We did heaps of walking around the city. So back into it now. Restart rowing on Monday too which will help.
  • Checking in. I will be away for a couple of weeks. My son and myself are going to New York for a holiday . Going to see some basketball. Go the heat. So will keep on track as best I can. We will do plenty of walking , weather permitting. It a long trip from here in New Zealand . Best can't wait to go , we leave tonight.…
  • Ok , so checking in. Have stuck to my eating plan and have done some Km's on my rowing machine (erg). Also have done some walking with the dog. Have been tempted to have some red wine. But that just makes me want to eat crap. So giving it a miss.
  • Hi jocop2003. I see you are in law I inforcement. Both my husband and my son are both police officers here in NZ. Hence why we moved around a bit. Every time he wants promotion, this being a small country it has invoked moving and developing this overall skill base.. Both are disgustingly fit although the shift work does…
  • Hi. First time I've joined on online group but I really want this year to be the year of change. I'm 44 yrs old. Married for 24 yrs and and have 2 grown sons. My husbands job has meant we have moved every few years and again I find I am living in another town and starting over. My health and fitness went on the back burner…
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