


  • Hi. First time I've joined on online group but I really want this year to be the year of change. I'm 44 yrs old. Married for 24 yrs and and have 2 grown sons. My husbands job has meant we have moved every few years and again I find I am living in another town and starting over. My health and fitness went on the back burner . So now this is the year for me. But since I have done that for. 2 years in a row now and changed nothing. This time I am trying something else.
  • slg657
    slg657 Posts: 8 Member
    I am 46 yrs old and weigh 210 pounds, I am only 5 feet tall so its not a good thing, I have arthritis in my back, hip and knee, my weight only causes the pain to intensify and last longer.
    between working full time and the pain I am in I don't exercise
    my goal is to eat better, and begin to slowly exercise as I feel my muscles and joints are seizing up. weight loss is the ultimate goal and I don't have a goal weight in mind yet. I just want to feel better and be healthy,
  • ihanna37
    ihanna37 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! I want to lose about fifteen pounds. Why? So I can be healthier and more confident. I also want to keep running and get stronger, since I've always been a weakling. I also want to avoid gaining/ try losing weight despite being completely dependent on cafeteria food 24/7.
    More specific goals---
    Run at least 4 times a week
    Start strength training
    Eat more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins and less chocolate cake and pies.
  • Lucy_6678
    Lucy_6678 Posts: 63 Member
    Happy New Year!

    I am here looking to lose weight! Ideally I want to lose 30 lbs by July so I can look good in a bathing suit in Cancun! I am so glad the holidays are over and I can refocus on my fitness better!

    CW: 169
    Goal: 140
  • hhaffner
    hhaffner Posts: 25 Member
    Hello everyone.
    I have been overweight my whole life ever since I was a child.
    I had lost some weight about about six months. However with moving, a new job, and living on my own, away from my family, the wight has creeped back up.
    I am gluten free. I would like to go low carb and then eventually primal (paleo).
    For fitness I have a fitbit and am starting the Mark Lauren program "Body By You". Once I complete "Body By You" I will probably continue on with his other program "You Are Your Own Gym" (YAYOG).
  • Hi jocop2003. I see you are in law I inforcement. Both my husband and my son are both police officers here in NZ. Hence why we moved around a bit. Every time he wants promotion, this being a small country it has invoked moving and developing this overall skill base.. Both are disgustingly fit although the shift work does not do much for a good diet unless you really pay attention to it. Good luck to you and everyone else here.
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,566 Member
    Hi all. My goals are simple - just be healthier and feel better! I have been struggling with weight issues for most of my adult life and I need to make a change. I am hoping that the online groups and "myfitnesspal" will keep me honest and motivated. Wishing you all the best in your personal journeys!
  • Jonmo17
    Jonmo17 Posts: 5 Member
    I've lost around 15 lbs in the last year with dietary changes that I've managed to maintain on the whole. In 2014, I'd like to achieve my goal weight (still need to lose around 35 lbs as I'm only 5" 2) but in the main I'd like to become much fitter with the aim of being healthier as the excess weight puts a lot of pressure on my joints, particularly my feet which is difficult when exercising. At the moment my main form of exercise is walking my dog - up to 5 miles around 3/4 times a week I've just joined a health club which has a gym, pool and lots of different exercise classes. I'm not a huge fan of the gym and my ultimate aim is to be fit enough to join fitness classes as in the past I enjoyed exercising with others and to music. Ultimately I'd like to be fit enough (and pain free) to begin to jogging again and taking part in 10k race events. I'm looking for help to keep me motivated and any advice or guidance to improve my fitness would be much appreciated!
  • SammyDizzle81
    SammyDizzle81 Posts: 159 Member
    CW 296
    END GOAL IS 176

  • Hunnergomeow
    Hunnergomeow Posts: 231 Member
    Hi all :)
    More than anything I want to be fit. I love to hike and mountain bike and want to do a lot more back country hikes, so I need to be in better physical condition. I'm more concerned with being fit than I am with loosing weight. This past summer I was doing 18 km hikes within 6 hours, so I'm hoping I can increase to doing 22+ km hikes with ease this summer.
    One of my other goals is to be able to run again. Almost 3 years ago I injured my right knee to the point where I was unable to walk and I haven't been able to run for over 2 years - this is where I started to gain weight as I wasn't able to do too much physical activity. I want to be able to strengthen the muscles around my knee cap so I can (hopefully) avoid having to do any surgery, and also hopefully get back into running again.
    That being said, I would like to lose about 20 - 30 lbs. I am going to the gym regularly - usually 5 times a week (right after I get off work before I go home), as well as walking the family dog and trying a running-walking program designed to get you back into running.
  • df1982
    df1982 Posts: 147 Member
    Hi ladies!

    I'm also really happy to be here, and happy new year to everyone.

    I recently finished my PhD, which is a great feeling. But, because of that health and wellness have kind of fallen by the wayside over the past one - or maybe even two - years!

    I always said that the year after I finished school would be "my healthiest year ever," but hopefully I'll be setting up some good habits for life. My goal is to make *sustainable* changes to my diet and exercise routines. In the past, I have been quite successful with going crazy at the gym and cutting calories, losing a bunch of weight - and then gaining it all back again.

    In terms of more specific goals, I'd like to get back into swimming and running without injuring myself along the way. And, I'd like to finally admit to/address the fact that I have food allergies! Up until now I've basically refused to cut out things like gluten and dairy (I like them too much!), despite a doctor's advice . But, I do feel pretty crumby after eating most of the time as a result. So, I'll be trying to eat more calories from healthy fats and proteins and less from grains and dairy.

    Good luck to everyone!

  • Hello everyone!

    Im excited about continuing my weight loss and fitness journey in 2014. From September 1st 2013- december 2013, i have lost 41 pounds. I am currently 150 pounds. I am 5 ft 4.5 inches, so the heaviest I am supposed to be is 147.5 for my bmi to be 24.9 (healthy). I am from Trinidad and Tobago which is in the Carribean so thick and curvy girls are in..haha! (everywhere thick with a flat stomach!), so im jus interested in reaching a healthy weight.
    My goals for 2014
    (1) lose 15 pounds (target weight: 135 pounds)
    (2) tone and build 10 pounds of muscle (goal weight: 145 pounds)

    I am currently on my second month of gym membership. I go 4 times a week for two hours. 1 hour cardio, 1 hour weight training. I am not too fond of exercising :/ but i love the visible changes that occur WEEKLY from intense training! I am trying to incorporate outdoor running into my routine...but im not that fit yet.

    (3) to be able to run for 30mins

    That's about it for me :)
  • Hello everyone,

    I am taking this year to get healthy. Really healthy. I am only 5'2", and I weigh 168 lbs. That is a lot on a 5'2" frame. I need to lose a good 50 lbs, but would be happy with 35. I think being a part of a group and joining in the challenges will help me stay focused. I am 42 years old, a recent grandmother, and got married last summer.
  • Stacy_Merrell
    Stacy_Merrell Posts: 35 Member
    Happy New Year!

    2014 is the year I am going to not just lose the weight, but learn how to maintain it and get fit. Sadly, I did maintain for about 2 1/2 years, but 2013 threw me many curve balls and I gained 1/2 of the weight I lost back. My goal is 15-20 lbs., but then to also learn how to stay fit and healthy and not let life get in the way of my goal (s).

    This year I have two engagements I want to look great for: 1-to walk across the stage and receive my diploma after earning my bachelors degree (at age 45)(October), and 2-to look great for a celebration trip to Jamaica (November)
  • Hi Everyone,

    I'm new to MFP and this year I want to get back on a healthy routine. I lost 56 pounds last year, but stopped keeping up with my routine since October and now 20 pounds have snuck back on. I'm looking forward to be motivated and motivate others through this group.
  • Hello everybody. I'm Megan and i come from Vietnam.
    I'm here to get motivation from you guys and to change myself, looking for new things in new year and my first aim is lose some weigh. My current weigh : 114Lbs , my goal weigh is : 108Lbs. I'm 5"1 tall only :(
  • lktingle
    lktingle Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I made an attempt a few years ago to try to lose weight but fell flat in that effort. My intention this year is to commit to being healthy and fit. However, my motivation level has been really low this past year. I'm hoping I can find inspiration from all of you!

    This time last year I had just finished college and gotten my degree, which was a huge accomplishment for me, especially at my age! Unfortunately, I think unconsciously, this gave me an excuses for being to lax with my attempts to exercise and eat healthy meals. So, no more excuses! I'm ready to get fit in 2014.
  • Happy New Year, Happy New Me! Hi ladies :) Just wanted to say hello and wish everyone well on their journey for 2014. My short term goals are to get out of the 200's and to drop from a size 16 to a 12 before summer officially hits. Wish me luck gals. Today is my day one so new friends are definitely welcomed this way. Thx- Honey
  • misa411
    misa411 Posts: 5 Member
    I had a baby 20 months ago. I lost all but 6 pounds within 5 weeks, but I had post partum depression, and unfortunately, my response to that was to eat. Chocolate, mainly. I am getting much more sleep now and the depression is pretty much gone. Now I have to lose almost 20 pounds to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Having a baby has turned into an excuse for the weight, but it is time to end that. No more excuses. I need to get my eating in check and exercise consistently. Planning out my meals for the week will be key. Last minute meals are always a bad idea.
  • I went over the 200 mark for the last time! I was weighing at over 215 and committed to not turn 50 at this weight and in this shape. my goal is 70 pounds with at least half by my birthday in July. I am doing a low carb diet and will try to add back in exercise where I can. I work nights, have a family that I want to be around for in 20 years but if I don't start taking care of me I won't be. I work a lot of hours and working nights doesn't allow much time for sleep, exercise or eating right but I am determined to make this work. Not one more pound. Need all the support I can get. Am not tech smart so learning how to do this will be challenge, ie no photo cause keeps loading upside down. Can use all the support and help can get. feel free to friend me.