basscadet808 Member


  • I think that a lot of people do look older with a thinner face as you can see more wrinkles. Not answering your question one bit but stating my opinion (fact)
  • I find that drinking anything fizzy out of a wine glass makes you feel festive (or champaign if that's your drink of choice). Some ideas for drinks: vodka and seltzer with lime - If you like mojitos add some fresh mint muddles or not Wine spritzer - 1/3 to 1/2 glass of wine with seltzer on ice Corona light has 99 calories…
  • Sake martini with Olives!
  • Pot stickers and Blistered Shisito peppers!
  • Freeze peeled very ripe bananas. When frozen place in food processor and process until smooth like ice cream. At this point you can eat it like that or use it as a base to add other flavors (ex: nut butter, nutella, protein powder) I like to take the frozen banana mixture and place it into a muffin tin then drizzle melted…
  • Oh yeah zuchinni! You could do butternut squash filling. Make or buy the sauce...trader joes has some good ones and you can go green or red or half and half for christmas enchiladas!
  • Enchiladas and there are so many variations, it is hard to mess it up. black beans, spinach, and cheese Mushroom, onion, pepper, cheese Black bean, sweet potato, cheese plain cheese...
  • Oh I plan to stop eating them. I don't think the headache is from hunger. I eat pretty much all day long. Someone I spoke to over the weekend mentioned getting headaches from the sucrose, stevia, and things ending in "ides" in the ingredients. I thought she was just being sensitive until it happened to me as well. I was…
  • Korean style Quinoa bowl: Quinoa with grilled chicken, shelled edemame, Shredded carrots, shredded cucumber, sauteed Kale and you can plop a poached or fried egg on top and cover in siracha and Gochujang sauce. YUMMM
  • @amillenium what flavor do you make? Where do you buy your IMO? ANd lastly do they really taste like Quest bars?
  • I live in NYC where I was buying quionoa bowls from a deli and they were charging me $11 which is rediculous. I started making my own and they are even more delicious. You can cook up a bunch of quinoa according to package directions and add whatever veggies and proteins you like almost like a salad: - I like fresh…
  • I love breakfast with a heaping cup of hot coffee. Some of my favortites are: - Friendship whipped cottage cheese with berries - Fat free Ricotta cheese with berries and honey drizzle - Trader joes maple pecan granola (has a lot of calories so def measure) with european style yogurt - Whole wheat low carb bread (arnold or…
  • The only low fat cheese that I have found that tastes good and melts well is the Cabot brand. They have a variety of cheddars. The 50% less fat still melt well, the 75% less fat does melt but not totally worth it.
  • Chex mix for me. I can't believe how small a serving size is but it does satisfy. I also treat myself to the occassional Shake shack meal (NYCers know) - A burger and I split a shake and fries with my hubby and 4 year old.
  • I have never had them but Bethenny Frankels Skinny Girl line has margaritas, cosmos, and wine.
  • If they are REALLY yum and you're not just saying that because you are used to the taste :) I would love the recipe.
  • I do plan my meals and exclusively bring my lunch. Occassionally I have one of those hungry days and today happens to be one of those. One of those days where I want a candy bar and chips. I work across the street from a health food store but a lot of the things there are either gross or just totally daunting. I like a…
  • My go to for chinese take out, because lets face it we all get tired and dont want to cook, is the steamed chicken and mixed vegetable with brown rice. You can get a sauce on the side and use a few tablespoons of it or use your own siracha on it. Also, I always have wonton soup. 2 or 3 wontons are totally satisfying and…
  • I like to get the store bought whole grain or buckwheat pancakes. If I make them myself I use whole wheat pastry flour. Instead of syrup I add a sliced banana and a little bit of honey.
  • These No bake Energy Bites: Healthy and satisfy that sweet tooth
  • Sauteed spinach Quinoa and black beans Mango Jalapeno salsa Avacado, cilantro, and black bean salad
  • fiber one 80 calorie honey squares cereal. Calabros fat Free riicotta with a dallop of honey - can add some cranberries or almonds if you have leftover calories <---best thing I have ever discovered is this fat free ricotta.
  • I have a 4 month old and a 4 yr old myself and have trouble fitting workouts in. I end up going after the kids have gone to bed 2 or three nights a week and then early weekend mornings. Its tough. I am out of the house for 12 hours a day and I get home exhausted but I want to spend time with my kids as much as I want to…
  • I'm giving the C25K thing a try. I have never in my life been a runner or had much endurance at all. I got through weeks 1-4 but now I am struggling. A lot of people have had success but I'm falling behind. I was doing well when I was home on maternity leave and now I'm just always tired. I have two kids, one being 4…
  • I'm not sleeping through the night so that is definitely a factor. This morning I had Oatmeal and a banana for breakfast at 8. Its 10:25 and I would normally be eating again by now but I am full! I think I'll stick to oatmeal for breakfast until i am totally bored of it.
  • Yes! I had the same problem and then I found this. A nutritionist once told me to look for cereal with at least 6 grams of fiber and less than 5 grams of sugar. Not all of the fiber one cereals fall into this so read the label before buying. The honey nut squares are amazing. I think I like them even more than lucky charms!
  • When I was home I was on a mission to fit into my clothes so that I didn't have to buy a whole new wardrobe. I was on a 1200/cal per day diet and lost 8 pounds. Now I'v decided to try to lose one pound a week instead of 2 so my new calorie goal is 1400/day. I'm not having a hard time staying under the calorie goal, i'm…
  • I just discovered calabro fat free ricotta cheese. I love it with a few cranberries and almonds a dallop of honey. also edemame hard boiled eggs snow peas and hummus small tomato stuffed with low fat chicken salad fage yogurt and 60 calorie fiber one cereal I
  • I stopped breasfeeding 2 weeks ago. I didn't have success making milk this time around and had to supplement with formula from day 1. I had fenugreek tea, drank crazy amounts of water, etc and my milk supply never got to where it needed to be. I am drinking 50-60 oz of water a day. I'm wondering if this metabolism decrease…