Marzetti's makes a Light French Vanilla Yogurt Fruit Dip with 45 calories for 2 tbsp. It is good with strawberries, etc. Despite a Where to Buy this link on the Marzetti website, I have trouble finding this product in the store. But when I see it, I buy it.…
Level 1 Day 4 done today. Much easier today. I felt like I had much more endurance. Still can't really do the side lunges well, but I make an effort to get the arm part right. I also can do a couple of real pushups now!
I finished Level 1 - Day 3 today. I am only doing it 3 times a week and I alternate with Les Mills Pump. I just started exercising recently and my knees aren't great, so I use a mini trampoline for the jumping on 30 Day Shred. That seems to have helped as my knees don't really hurt. I also can't do full pushups, only the…