jlkarnes Member


  • I am 5ft tall, 20 years old, and my UGW is 110 pounds.
  • My weight has always varied since middle school, constantly going up and down. I was always in a healthy range though, just gaining and dropping 10-20 pounds here and there. However, once I got to college, I got depressed and started putting on more weight. I started around 125, but by the end of Freshman year I was 135.…
  • So I just finished Phase 1 and I've lost about 8 pounds! I'm pretty pleased - now off to start Phase 2.
  • Thank you all for your opinions! It's very helpful! I am on day 4 and I feel good so far. I'm actually not as hungry as I thought I would be, and aside craving bread all the time (because my roommates have loaves and loaves lying around our apartment) I really am not missing a lot of the foods that I thought I would - and…
  • Hey! I'm Jessica, I'm 20. College sophomore, looking to drop some weight and get healthy! I'd love to make some friends on here to encourage and support one another! :)