jeheer Member


  • @bootygroove‌-- great mantra. Just 15 minutes. Thats a great idea. Because once you get out the door and get going you are most likely going to do more than 15 minutes worth of exercise. For me its getting myself out the door and to the gym, which is right near my house so i really dont have an excuse not to go. Its just…
  • Hi. Im new here. Not to MFP but posting here. Its great to see such an active forum and people beimg so supportive of each other. I've been struggling recently. I get the munchies at night and it seems like I can't get satisfied until i eat everything in sight. Grr.. Very frustrating to say the least. I think it is a mind…
  • As many people have asked.. I am on a gluten free dairy free diet because I have a severe sensitivity to gluten and then suddenly became lactose intolerant. Any time I eat gluten I get severe stomach pain, nausea, vomiting and severe diarrhea. Lactose has been harder too eliminate as I love dairy probably too much. But I…