FineJC2007 Member


  • Sorry for being late ... forgot to weigh until this morning ... 222 lost 1lbs .... YAY!!!!
  • Ok good news to report .... lost 2lbs current weight is 223 .... sorry didn't place weight last week ... I was the same at 225lbs last week. Hope everybody lost this time. I think it would be awesome at the end of this challenge to have a total of combined weightloss from each participant.
  • Ok everybody sorry for being late ... things have been so chaotic lately. Last weigh in I didnt lose ANY weight :sad: .... this time things look a little better though. SW: 228 1st Weigh In: 228 2nd Weigh In: 225 So happy I finally lost. I will give it a harder try this week and work out harder and stuff too. I am glad we…
  • GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! I hate the scale today ............... SW 228 CW 228 Weight Lost 0 :( Maybe next week I guess.
  • Hi everybody!!! Sorry i have not wrote anything lately ... been really busy and justed used my phone to log my calories and workouts. Hope to log on next week everyday. I did 100% on the cardio ... I didnt go Monday and Friday so those were my 2 days out of 7 I didnt do cardio. The water is deff a challenge .... OMG before…
  • Been doing good with my journal and also with the cardio. I am with you on the water intake ..... OMG its a lot of water .... I have had 34 oz of water today and I think I will have to force down the last 30 oz :sick: LOL but I know I can do it!!! So are we weighing not this Monday but next Monday??
  • Sounds great! Can't wait until Monday so I can get started on my 30min of cardio. I think I am going to be really glad I joined this challenge. I think the spread sheet is an awesome idea .... definately motivates me to lose weight and try hard so I dont have to share with everyone that for a week my weight didn't change.…
  • 1. Eddie 2. 228 3. 199 4. Well I love listening to music, hate working out but I think the more weight I lose the more energy I have so the more I feel like going. Never done one of these challenges before so I am really excited about it!!! ***I say weigh in on Wednesday***
  • I wanna join!!!
  • Thanks for everybodys opinion! It was that they reset it but was set to lose half a pound a week and I was set on 2lbs a week. Ok now I know I need to make sure it adjusts properly. Thanks again for all the help!