

  • 1. What is your eye color? Brown 2. What is youre favorite season? Summer 3. What is your favorite Holiday? Christmas 4. Have you ever been arrested? Nope 5. What are 2 things with in arms reach of you right now? Cell phone and remote control 6. Would you rather know how you are going to die, Or know when you are going to…
  • I am new here also!! I have 3 boys ages 10, 5, and 4 weeks!! I would love to connect with other new moms that are trying to shed the baby weight!! Any tips or advise is welcome!!
  • This is my first day using MFP! I am 4 weeks pp with my 3rd child! I am looking for other Moms to connect with! I have 10 pounds to get back to my pre (this) baby weight, but I would like to lose about 30 pounds! Looking for support, motivation, and friends, also secrets to losing weight while being sleep deprived and…