CaliforniaGirl84 Member


  • I have been sitting at a desk all day! Managed to walk on my first break but not at lunch. Will be walking around the block in about an hour and hit the gym after work to get some more steps in. I use a fit bit and I am only at 3336 steps so far, yikes! I aim to get at least 10k steps everyday but the past few weeks I have…
  • Hey Everyone, my name is Becca and I want to get in shape! I need support and motivation so I'm hoping this group will provide it for me. Ideally I'd like to lose 15-20 pounds and be able to have more energy as well!
  • I've been bombarded by friends of mine and also friends on FB that praise advocare and pretty much push it in my face to try. Here is the thing, I don't want to spend a ton of $$ when you can lose weight naturally by eating right and exercising. I get that people may like having a program they can stick to in hopes that it…
  • My experiences for losing weight were restricting calories. For me diet is 90% to lose weight and working out supplements the weight loss. I think a lot of people undersestimate just how many calories they are burning in the gym and sometimes think they can overindulge. I was definitley guilty of that as well. I'd have a…