iateeq Member


  • I use the iPhone inbuilt Health app, it has a step counter that syncs ok with MFP.
  • I finished day 19 of insanity today. I have about 60 lbs to lose and am 5'2.5" too. The first 2 weeks I only gained weight doing insanity and saw absolutely no change in my body - I actually felt my clothes fitting tighter. So I added RushFit in. I do Insanity early in the morning before work and RushFit in the evening…
  • I am on day 18 today. I have been eating clean and staying well within my calorie count but have only gained weight on it so far. I am not giving up though. I added RushFit for toning and strength this week - on day 4 of that. Since Adding RushFit to my regime, I have finally noticed a change in how my body looks, and the…
    in Insanity Comment by iateeq April 2015