Insanity Workout



  • maihinh
    maihinh Posts: 6 Member
    I'm on the last day of week 2. The first week was painful but after that there was less soreness & I was able to keep up with fewer rests. I find the workout is somewhat repetitive but I'm committed to finishing to see the final results. Oh and I want the t-shirt too.
  • madchapper
    madchapper Posts: 8 Member
    Insanity is great ...completed it and lost 20 pounds ...moved onto Insanity Asylum volume 1
  • gfit581
    gfit581 Posts: 7 Member
    On my rest week. Does anyone know how many kcal you burn on average after each session? Don't know what to put in calorie counter.
  • lmramos1
    lmramos1 Posts: 6 Member
    The website, think it's, has a calculator where you enter info and it gives you an estimated number. I would get a heart rate monitor though to be sure. I just got one and found I was over estimating my burn calories by 100 calories from the calculator, I was between low to medium intensity in the calculator even though I was always out of breath and panting
  • maihinh
    maihinh Posts: 6 Member
    @gfit581‌ I use to calculate calories burned.
  • maihinh
    maihinh Posts: 6 Member
    @gfit581‌ I use to calculate calories burned.
  • elvy1979
    elvy1979 Posts: 7 Member
    I started the insanity program today... I started before but never finished it. This time around i am determine to finish the whole program.
  • I just started insanity for my third attempt. I did not finish the first two attempts (first try due to illness...could hardly breathe at all through the workouts, and second try i really tweaked my ankle and it was painful to do such high impact workouts.) Having to take the breaks really killed me and i could never get back into it. Hopefully thos third time is the charm. Im in worse shape than when i tried the other times too, so the mountain is that much higher. Ive been mixing in T.25 videos on top of insanity. Some days ill do one of each. Im really anxious to see resuls. I hope to lose about 10 lbs. Its been about a week and a half and i havent lost weight but i already feel like im a little more toned when i look in the mirror.

    Just doing the videos as best you can is much better than doing nothing at all. It really does get easier the more you do it.
  • ericola
    ericola Posts: 23 Member
    Ok so I finished week 1 YAY! I had a couple of cheats this weekend tho as I have 4 kids and trying to keep them to my routine on the weekend when dad is home is just unreal. I did however manage not to eat on one of the times we went out but I stuck with my meal programme other than that. I need to be realistic and be aware that just because sometimes I can't stick to the meals 100% of the time it doesn't mean I have failed and so not to give up. I actually find I prefer eating the healthier way and it's a lot easier to say no to what I classed before as 'treats'. Say week 2 day 1 crossed off :)

    Well done to all who are doing it or whatever excerise you have going, it's amazing how strict and disciplined we all have to be, but it will be worth it in the end! Let's all of us keep up the good work weather it's our first day or if we have been at it for 18 months :)
  • kimtex06
    kimtex06 Posts: 1
    I just finished day 9 of Insanity. I'm 41, 5'3" & have 80 lbs to lose. I am so frustrated with not being able to keep up with everyone & get winded after 7 minutes. I don't see my scale moving but have lost a couple of inches on my hips, waist & buttocks. I'm not giving up but wish I could see more things happening with my body other than my soreness.
    I'm also keeping my calories & carbs to a minimum.
    Anyone else in my shoes? When does the transformation begin?
  • Peggy69
    Peggy69 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi, I'm on Day 6 today - 5'2.5", 45 years old and about 50 lbs to use. Lost 2.3 lbs in my first week, no inches so far (I don't think), but really into it! I'm trying to eat as clean as possible, and sticking to the 40% protein, 30% carbs and 30% fat ratio (not always possible). Starting to feel pretty good though, and on a bit of a "high" most days after training.
  • iateeq
    iateeq Posts: 3 Member
    I finished day 19 of insanity today. I have about 60 lbs to lose and am 5'2.5" too. The first 2 weeks I only gained weight doing insanity and saw absolutely no change in my body - I actually felt my clothes fitting tighter. So I added RushFit in. I do Insanity early in the morning before work and RushFit in the evening after work. Day 5 of RushFit today. This morning my scale said I had lost 4 lbs in the last 2 days :). That is taking into account all the weight I gained in the first 2 weeks of Insanity. I guess keep at it and check it out for yourself.
  • GlennF56
    GlennF56 Posts: 2 Member
    I have completed Insanity and now have completed Insanity Max 30 and am doing it again. 42 lbs. + 10 inches lost. Blood sugar down from 13.7 to 6.5. Love the results

  • GlennF56
    GlennF56 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Joe
    You mention your blood sugars - are you diabetic, Type 1 or 2?
    How long did it take you to reduce your sugars as you quoted? Cheers
  • Rocketqueeen
    Rocketqueeen Posts: 96 Member
    It knocked me out but I loved it. Unfortunately when I switched jobs, I had much less time. So for the time being I switched to T25. I feel like I can manage my day better and it's a great workout. I am Shaun T obsessed so once I'm done with this, I'm gonna go for the Insanity again.