

  • I was on a 1350 calorie a day but the nutritionist at my gym said I wasn't eating enough and bumped me to 1500 a day and to eat five meals a day. He also bumped me to 2000 calories a day on weekends because I swim and burn about 1300 calories a time. I hate to say it, but on average I was rarely eating 1000 calories a day…
  • I'm game. I love biking, but having a husband that is a heavy smoker I don't get out as much as I use too before we married three years ago. I live in North Minneapolis, so I bike to the Mills Ruins area a lot. Nice easy path and a beautiful view once you get there. I've biked to that Farmer's Market a few times. I stick…
  • We tend to shop for our fruits and veggies at Cub, Target, or Byerly's. It seems to be pretty hit or miss at Cub, so in the last month it has been Target and/or Byerly's. I have bought at Whole Foods before, but it is pricey. Sometimes, it is worth the cost. In the summer, we get everything from either our garden or the…
  • It is different for everyone. I had put so much on hold for everyone else and the weight kept creeping up. I hit my moment when I stepped on the scale and it said 236. How did this happen? I said that is enough and I am back in the gym and eating healthy. After 44 days, I am down to 220 and down about 9 inches. I am…