Hello! I'm not a vegetarian but I love my vegies. I found this site which might help, and it's a .org so it's probably more legit than some other sites: It's a vegan nutrition site but some principles may apply to vegetarians too.
Try lifting weights. Changing routines forces the body to adapt to new things. Muscle burns more fat than anything else. Lift as much weight as you can reasonably lift for about 8-10 reps or so. You don't have to do it until your muscles fail, but close enough. You will never be bulky because women don't ever have the…
Because then we'd get more spam. I like canned spam, but not interwebz spam. Also they'd have to change the app name... and names are tricky sometimes. Oh also, internet dating? Bad. Done it. Never again. PEOPLE LIE ON THE INTERWEBZ!!
Haha, I have two people in my life who have troubles gaining weight. I wish it was my problem, but alas... Anyway, it really IS about eating more calories. This may not need to be 'bad' calories but try eating more pasta, rice and such in your meals. If you can add cheese to stuff, do so. Buy some delicious snacks and tuck…
Beautifully inspirational! Thank you for sharing :)