

  • I know a couple of people who have used the drops and lost a lot of weight, but it is a severely restricted calorie diet, you only consume 500 calories a day. So, one cannot help but conclude that consuming 500 calories a day alone would cause weight loss. As with all new diet pills and products, I personally find them a…
  • I too am addicted to diet soda, my fav being Diet Mountain Dew. All of the studies that I have read seem to point in the direction of artificial sweeteners actually making you hungrier in the long run. I am also a yo-yo dieter, I lose and then I gain. I am trying to break that cycle! Several months ago when I was losing, I…
  • I do not know about P90, but P90X is VERY intense. Another good one to try is Slim In 6. I would recommend working your way up to the P90X program. It is a rather strict workout schedule (working out at least 6 days a week), and the workouts are rather lengthy as well, ranging from 48 minutes to 1 hour and 23 minutes. It…
  • Are you saying that you are only consuming between 500 and 700 calories a day? If so, that is not enough calories for even normal body functions per day, and your metabolism has probably gone into starvation mode. I have found that I do so much better if I have three small meals a day, with two small snacks inbetween. I…
  • Is there a mall nearby? If so, go to the mall and walk inside out of the weather.
  • This has happened to me also. I am currently doing P90X. What I have done this time, if I am too busy and miss a workout one day, I just do it the next day. I have also managed to do two workouts on the day of X Stretch, in order to get caught back up. So what if it takes a little longer than the 90 days, you are still…
  • They weigh the same yes, but a pound of muscle takes up less space than a pound of fat.
  • If you have made your profile here on MFP, and entered all your info on what your goals are, it should tell you how many calories you need to consume in a day. I am also fairly new to the site, but I can already tell you that I love it. Being able to enter everything I eat, and have MFP keeping track of my calories, fats,…
  • Nickelback - Dark Horse, it is their latest CD, and in my opinion their best yet!