hi all new girl here!!

hoping to loose 40 lbs to start!! from indianapolis and i do medieval recreation! 35 and in college and its so hard to start!! wondering about portions and all..also how much water should i be drinking a day? thax!


  • ponygirl518
    If you have made your profile here on MFP, and entered all your info on what your goals are, it should tell you how many calories you need to consume in a day. I am also fairly new to the site, but I can already tell you that I love it. Being able to enter everything I eat, and have MFP keeping track of my calories, fats, carbs and proteins makes it so much easier for me to be accountable. As far as water, everything I have read says we need to be drinking 8 to 10 glasses a day. I always start the day out with a big glass of ice water.
  • afira
    afira Posts: 3
    awesome! that sounds great..i tried another site but their food journal thing did not work! so here i am! also how is coffe for breakfast?? i use fat free french vanilla creamer...usually 2 nice big cups....i use too much creamer i know but since its fat free i usually dont worry about it...do i need to be worrying about that??
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Welcome to MFP! It's a great site and it does guide you on calories, BMR and BMI.

    I have to ask what is Medivieval recreation? It sounds like fun.

  • afira
    afira Posts: 3
    think rennaisance faires..only not for the public...only the people who do them no public watching you...no silly accents..moslty we just have fun and research lots of stuff and discuss it and our research..oh yeah and drink and camp and have bonfires and drink..in medieval clothes....
  • raleigh
    raleigh Posts: 87 Member
    About the coffee and creamer- and all other foods you eat-
    just log everything! its better to know that one cup of coffee is 5 Cals but with the creamer its, say, 50 or so (just a guess)

    thats the beauty of the site- just log everything you consume with the right amounts and you learn what is taking up too much of your calories to be worth it. or you learn that you may have been underestimating the Calories in something, and you can learn better portions, etc.