You are doing great!!!
I have a food addiction and I definetely have trouble controlling it. I have fallen off the wagon lately, but in the past what helped was making sure your home is stocked with food you enjoy but is healthy favorite fruits, veggies, and if you get high calorie snacks or foods try to limit the amount you are consuming. I…
Stay positive, there are always things you can do to stick with your goals.
Good luck you can do it!!!
I think you look awesome. I can see the difference for sure. Keep it up!!!!
Way to go you are an inspiration!!!
I live in Madison Illinois
I can definitely relate to that feeling. It is like I feel they didn't know I was fat until they saw me working out and then they are like oh my she is fat. lol really I think it has to do with our own self esteem and confidence. I know that at my heaviest it's hard for me to get the courage to go anywhere because its so…
I am here feel free to add me been battling my weight all my life.