

  • I too am a SAHM of 2 wonderful little ladies. I am in the same boat as you!!! I would love to loose weight for the pictures and to be a lot more active to keep up with my 2 little girls! Right now my almost 3 year old can wear me out on any given day! I don't know how I am not in shape because of her, so I am tracking,…
  • I sent you a request as well!!! I have a 3 month old and almost 3 year old :) Would love to have other mommy friends to motivate and help motivate me! :)
    in New Mom Comment by brit_s November 2012
  • I sent you a request as well!!! I have a 3 month old and almost 3 year old :) Would love to have other mommy friends to motivate and help motivate me! :)
    in New Mom Comment by brit_s November 2012
  • Sending a request now! I am in the same boat as you! My daughters are younger, but at the age her friends say "baby?" to me and try to touch my belly. OYE!!! Good luck to you and I will try my hardest to help you!!! :)