

  • I agree! Luckily eating fruits and vegetables has always been a part of our diet. Eating a healthy balanced meal at lunch and dinner is important to me and so they don't have problems eating vegetables. The worst is breakfast, they love sugar loaded cereals. But I do not buy snacks or other junk food so they are always…
  • Hello, my name is Dorothy and I am the mother of three girls ages 8, 4 and 2. They definitely keep me busy to say the least! My husband has a demanding schedule and while he helps me when he is home I am the primary housekeeper and all other things.. I was able to find my sanity by joining the gym!! I can leave the kids at…
  • 7...can't see your face but your arms look nice... I am the girl in my profile picture BTW..
  • Hi Justin! I have a question....When I go to the gym I always feel very intimidated by the free weight section. I will usually stick to the weight lifting machines but I don't really feel like I'm getting a very good workout with them. I am almost never feel sore the next day... I think that if I could get enough courage…