

  • everyone is forgetting the easiest way to gently work your midsection... holding in your stomach while walking, sitting at the desk, driving to work! it may not be the best but every little bit helps
  • I have been using Nike+ running for almost a year now. Am currently training for a half marathon and would love some friendly competition... Please add me, screen name giddings78
  • Hey guys i just added you all
  • I'm in the same boat as you, i had a lot to lose (160lb) and am at the stage where i have huge love handles, they are a good 2 inches wider than my upper legs! But as i've got closer to my goal i have noticed that my fat is working from my extremities towards my belly and is finally coming off there now that im close
  • I also ways try to keep my dinner and breakfast constant, wether it is my days off or im working. So when im working i will have dinner when i wake up, have my lunch and snacks throughout the night and have breakfast just before i go to bed. On days off, back to normal eating breakfast when i wake up, lunch and snacks…
  • Im 6ft and am currently 247 with a bf% of 24.9, which is a lean mass of 187. Aiming for 224 which is a bf% of 12.
  • In the summer on my 5km route i have to deal with a lot of black bears, more of an annoyance while you lose your stride and wait for them to wander off the path... however stray golf balls. My route is around a golf course and on every run you hear that infamous call of 4/heads/duck! I had one bounce 1m in front of me
  • I work 11pm-7am and have managed to keep 2 meal times constant, breakie and dinner! Wether it will be when im working or on my days off when im back on night sleeping, i will always have breakie in the morning and dinner at night. So 5 days a week my first meal after sleeping is my big meal of the day and will track it as…
  • Interesting reads on "starvation mode"
  • Thank you all for the responses. Sorry about the confusion to some, but lauren3101 got it. I was just confused that the weight would come off nice and steady and then increase rapidly for the last 2 weeks. Must have skipped over the point that weight loss is not linear. The large deficit at the moment is only a temporary…
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