

  • I checked your diary & I'm suffering from Cognitive Dissonance. You say the goal is to be a "healthier mom", then your pic is Beyonce. Is your goal to be "healthy" or "fabulous"? Then you say you don't eat fast food any more. Then half the entries are what I would consider "fast food". Is it "don't eat fast food AT ALL" or…
  • It overestimates my cardio calories, but gives me 0 for my weights workout. I always figure my workout with weights as 200-300 calories, so I just leave MFP's cardio estimates as is. Why can't MFP count a set of resistance training as 10 calories? At least they'd be in the ballpark!
  • Well, since I haven't seen her responses, I'm assuming I'm only talking to others that might be going through the same thing. (I only read through a sampling of the posts, so sorry if I'm going over well-trod ground!) 1) Over 25% of dieters lie to themselves. They don't count a nibble here, a cookie at the office. They…
  • QUOTE, from Pg. 1: "He's the man and the wife always obeys the husband. I would do what I'm told." Wow, the answer to my male fantasies! So, you really wouldn't boss me around? I can come out from under the bed with your permission? I agree with those who would leave. There's a big difference between, "It would mean a lot…
  • Sorry to mess things up by actually answering the question: Before weight loss, our chests were just something to help hide our bellies. The bigger the belly, the more we stuck out our chests. As I used to tell people, "I have a real barrel chest - it just sits it a little lower than on most people!" (Also, while rubbing…