

  • Ran my first 10k race on 20th October (Worthing 10k). Finished in 55:40 beating my previous best time (training run) by over 4 minutes. Considering there was a brutal head wind for the first 3 miles I was very happy with the result.
  • Completed my first Tilgate Parkrun 5k in September 2012 in 39:56 having never done any running before then. My current PB for the same course is 27:23. Last weekend ran my first non Parkrun race, the Brighton Trailblazer. It's not quite 10k (5.84 miles by my Garmin) and is a hilly trail race. Came in by my Garmin at 58:39…
  • I had 4 vintage dresses in my wardrobe that had fitted me some years ago but not for a while. I couldn't bare to give them to a charity shop so had them hung in my spare bedroom where I exercise as motivation. Last week all 4 dresses fitted me. Now I am motivated to keep the weight off and continue toning so they continue…
  • Next 3 months 1) Reach my 116lbs and 23% fat goals (currently 1.8lbs and 1.6% off goals assuming I maintain current lbm of 89lbs). 2) Run 5K in under 28 minutes (current PB 29.53) 3) Walk at least 14,000 steps and climb 25 flights stairs every day. 4) Be more proactive with resistance and body weight exercises - currently…
  • Jogged/walked my first 5K back in September with no training of any kind in 39:56. Fast forward to 2 days ago when I finally managed to continuously run 5K for the first time in 31:25. Many congratulations on a really great time on your first race.
  • I took part in my first 5K (Tilgate Parkrun) in September last year having done no training whatsoever (I know, pretty stupid). As my fast walk was 4 miles per hour I hoped that I could complete the course in 45 minutes. Having half jogged, half walked I came in at just a few seconds short of 40 minutes for the first…
  • I hadn't run for a long time but walked regularly. September last year a work colleague introduced me to Parkrun, a 5K run in a park local to me each Saturday. I though I would give it a go hoping that if I got round it would be in under 45 minutes expecting that I would be mostly walking the distance, a 15 minute mile…
  • My current breakfast is 1 Quorn sausage, 1 large egg scrambled in the microwave and 5g of low salt/sugar brown sauce. If I pre cook the sausages and store in the fridge I can prepare it all in 2 minutes. 166 calories, 8g carbs, 9g fats and 13g protein. That's less calories than my previous cereal breakfast, a quarter of…
  • I was having this issue with protein when eating cereal for breakfast. I am also vegetarian. I now batch cook a weeks worth of Quorn sausages and store them in the fridge. It takes 1 minute to warm a precooked sausage up in the microwave and another 45 seconds to scramble an egg also in the microwave in a morning. This…