

  • I use Body Glide, it almost looks like deodorant and comes in a stick, I just apply to anywhere I get chaffing or feel uncomfortable, it is great on your feet for blister too. I'm in Canada and I purchase it at a retailer called The Running Room, not sure where it would be available in the US.
  • I feel the same, I will add you as a friend, we can cheer each other on!!!
  • Welcome and best of luck!!
  • it is frustrating at first, I know, keep it up and it will be worth it in the end!!!!
  • I feel the same, we can encourage each other, I am new to MFP so I need all the help I can get :-)
  • Hi there! I feel the same way you do! I am new as well and I think it will be easier and more fun to tackle weight loss with others holding you accountable! I am early thirties, from Nova Scotia, Canada! I have no kids, single, and work full time at a desk job. I am active and love exercise, but my eating habits are very…
    in New here Comment by JennO12 January 2011
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