To maintain muscle while cutting you should probably eat 2 x your weight in kg. So if you weigh 60kg, you will want 120g of protein.
Does the machine you use measure kJ? That is the amount of work done in the time you're on it? This will be the actual calories you've burnt during this time.
** 250 mi GOAL ** 9/06 - 14.27 9/07 - 48.92 9/08 - 7.86 9/10 - 10.97 9/15 - 17.49 9/16 - 23.2 9/19 - 23.64 9/20 - 15.23 9/21 - 65.22 9/23 - 19.23 Yay! I just hit it with a week to go!! :)
You really might want to track your macronutrients. It could be that you're not getting enough fat/protein... which keep you full and help keep your muscles as you lose weight. Use this to calculate your targets:
Think of it this way, you give 1 hour of your time, and you get 23 back. :)
AMAZING!!! You're gorgeous. :)
You look 10 years younger! AMAZING facial bone structure. :)
I think the hardest thing is feeling like you're alone and battling your family. I know it can be really difficult to open up about things like your weight especially to those closest to you, but try to ENROLL your family in your weight loss journey. As family they want to see you happy and want to be able to support you…