DrFeelG00D Member


  • Don't follow the MFP calorie recommendations. Try eating 1500 calories, as you were, and perform your normal exercise routine and see what happens week to week. Don't freak out if you gain a couple of pounds to start because that is most likely water weight or your body adjusting to your new calorie intake. After a week or…
  • Salad with lots of vegetables and low/zero calorie dressing. Huge bowl of that accompanied by some protein (Chicken, beef, fish) should be plenty to fill you up. High volume and low calorie. Walden farms has lots of zero calorie dressings, but some taste funny. Bolthouse Farms makes some great low calorie dressings (like…
  • Try to fix your diet first before investing in a bunch of supplements. Multivitamins and Fish oils are great supplements (and are pretty cheap at Vitamin Shoppe/GNC), but they will not help you get into shape alone. They're meant to "supplement" a good diet and exercise program. It sounds to me like he/she is just trying…
  • You could always increase calories and hit those heavy weights. At 180 pounds, I would slowly increase calories (~50-100) every week or so and go on a nice lean bulk.
  • There is also the option to not log your exercise within MFP. The number for calories burned can be drastically inaccurate due to many factors including your personal fitness level, body, and training program / intensity. My advice would be to set a calorie intake, track everything you eat for an entire week (7 days), due…