fitness4120 Member


  • I would suggest that you log your food for the next week. This will help you see exactly what you are taking in. Then you can see where you need to go
  • I also agree if your goal is to just to loss weight. I am a weight lifter so I want to keep muscle while burning fat so in my case i think that the kind of calories are also important when it comes to keeping muscle mass.
  • how many cokes are you drinking a day? Are you still logging in your foods?
  • the zig zag method is great for a change. I am currently doing a zig zag method but i am zig zagging my carbs not just calories. This is how I am doing it. On my workout days I will eat a certain amount of carbs usually complex carbs light rice, potatoes, etc. then on my non workout days I will eat mostly fiberous carbs…
  • I am not counting my sugers at this point, but I try to stay away from foods and drinks that are high in suger, such as cokes, candy etc. Your fruits will have natural sugers and are ok to eat as long as you do not eat alot. If I eat fruit i usually eat it early during the day so that they burn off before going to bed. Can…