

  • I went to Mt. Leconte in Gatlinburg. It was a great hike, and good day. The day started with rain. So repacked my pack after using zip-lock bags to keep everything dry (before is started), put on the rain gear after getting drenched (should have kept it on when it stopped raining for 20 min before I hit the trail), and had…
  • I did my hike of Mt. Leconte last weekend. Though it isn't the highest peak east of the Mississippi it is the tallest mountain from it's base east of the Mississippi. I know it does't compare to some of the hike i see posted but a 3k gain in elevation from where I started on the trail. It rained all of the way to the top,…
  • Because of Back issues I rest 2 to 3 days between my weekly 4.5 to 6 mile hikes 2 to 3 times a week with 15 lb pack. Also When I hike I am doing it for the exercise so I tend to push myself as hard as I can go for long distance. I thought this might be added details. I am figuring that this hike from all my research will…
  • Thanks Hikergirl, looks yummy!!!
  • Hikergirl could you send me your recipe on the banana oatmeal bars, please? Sounds great. Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Hi, My name is Paul and I live in middle Tennessee, I do a lot of day hikes, eventually I want to do several overnight trips. My next big hike is in the smokies in may on Mt. Leconte. Feel free to add me on here and if you would like to meet and hike in th TN, KY, AL, GA, NC, SC, AR region let me know.. Looking for friends…
  • I am Planning to Hike Mt. LeConte in Gatlinburg TN in mid May, 13 - 14 miles round trip. I have been preparing for several months, I have hiked Bird Mountain in Frozen Head St Park in TN (7 mile rt), several 6 mile day hikes in local and state parks, and 10 mile day hike with a pack at Montgomery Belle St Park in TN.…
  • Thanks for starting this post, I have been looking for Ideas, I did 11 miles a few weeks back in preparing for a 14 mile hike up and back on Mt. Leconte. On my 11 mile I took some jerky, cliff bars, and trail mix, I noticed that I felt kinda bla-ish each time after eating snacks and lunch, especially the cliff bars. I am…
  • I had some one tell me that since I have lost all of my weight I look 10 years younger, so I asked how old do I look they said 43, I said "thanks a lot I am 44". Before loosing weight I was told a lot that I looked like I was in my mid 30's, so It made me feel like I was looking older.
  • The best: Last week, a lady visiting her step daughter at church who hasn't been there in 3 month walked up, started to speak to me, and she had this puzzled look on her face. I spoke, and she looked relieved. Her stepdaughter later said to me, "you have lost so much weight Pam did not recognize you". That made me feel…
  • I have Chronic back pain and arthritis, and have had 2 back surgeries. My back has keeps me from excising as regular as I would like. Though I don't have Fibro, I do understand how your pain changes your life, I have just started MFP and I am looking for friends that understand the challenges I face. I hope to add you all…
  • Hi everyone, I am Paul and this is day one of trying to take off 100 lbs. It is a lifestyle change I need and sometimes that is the hardest thing to do. I also would appreciate all of the support I can get. For all of you fighting the same fight, never quit keeping on.