Full Day Hike -- Suggestions for food?

I am doing a full day hike on Saturday. I am starting to think about what I can pack. I am really trying to eat clean and avoid processed foods. Many energy bars and things like that claim to be healthy, but really are full of junk. For snacks, I thought about almonds and maybe an apple. Or make my own trail mix. I am kind of struggling on what to bring for when we stop for lunch. Any suggestions on what I can bring for snacks and for lunch and keep it as clean as possible?


    BIRDIEBL8 Posts: 155 Member
    I also make my own trail mix, just weigh it so you can track calories.( mayo from the deli if needed) Tuna or salmon in the foil packs, wraps to put it in. I always pack some cuties or a couple of apples & caramel dip for quick energy. Peanut butter,cheese,oatmeal cookies,Jerky if sodium isn't an issue. Alot of foods are heavy to pack so I eat the those first ;)
  • teri1956
    teri1956 Posts: 221 Member
    Hard-boiled eggs travel well. We do honey stirred into our favorite nut butter in wraps/flatbread.
  • yankee_grl
    Thanks so much for the ideas. I can't believe I completely forgot about nut butters. I have almond butter and that would work perfectly and keep well. I think I will do that and make some trail mix. Throw in some cheese sticks and apples and call it a hike. It's supposed to be 80 on Saturday. Finally some warm weather.
  • tn_bigfoot
    Thanks for starting this post, I have been looking for Ideas, I did 11 miles a few weeks back in preparing for a 14 mile hike up and back on Mt. Leconte. On my 11 mile I took some jerky, cliff bars, and trail mix, I noticed that I felt kinda bla-ish each time after eating snacks and lunch, especially the cliff bars. I am looking for good snack / food Ideas. I'm going to try the nut-butters and honey on wraps when I do one more tune up Hike next Thanks.

    Feel free to add me I am looking for friends on here that hike.
  • Miss_Hiker_Pants
    Miss_Hiker_Pants Posts: 229 Member
    Apple slices. I put a little lemon juice in a zip lock bag & drop the slices in & make sure the juice has covered them after shaking bag. Maybe 1/2 tbsp. depending on how much apple you use.

    Raw almonds, I make my own banana & oatmeal bars. (very filling)
  • tn_bigfoot
    Apple slices. I put a little lemon juice in a zip lock bag & drop the slices in & make sure the juice has covered them after shaking bag. Maybe 1/2 tbsp. depending on how much apple you use.

    Raw almonds, I make my own banana & oatmeal bars. (very filling)

    Hikergirl could you send me your recipe on the banana oatmeal bars, please? Sounds great.32597364.png
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  • cococa
    cococa Posts: 122 Member
    Apple slices. I put a little lemon juice in a zip lock bag & drop the slices in & make sure the juice has covered them after shaking bag. Maybe 1/2 tbsp. depending on how much apple you use.

    Raw almonds, I make my own banana & oatmeal bars. (very filling)

    I love lemon on apples! It keeps them from browning and adds a fantastic flavor.

    I also typically pack banana, a nut butter on bread with honey, or a tuna with avocado.

    For quick energy (and not feeling so blah), the cliff bars don't work well - they're pretty heavy. A powerade of some sort or those energy gels or goos are fantastic for a lightweight boost. If you want something that's not processed, I bet a shot of honey would do the trick.
  • Miss_Hiker_Pants
    Miss_Hiker_Pants Posts: 229 Member
    MAKES 10-12 SERVINGS – Calories 230, Carbs 41.3. , Protein 4.4, Fiber 3.7 , Fat 8.2
    Weight Watchers Points 7
    Small bar will fill you up, with a large glass of water with it. I eat just a small bar & it keeps me going on hard hiking trips

    ½ cup butter, softened (margarine)
    2/3 cup brown sugar
    1 egg
    3 ripe bananas
    3 ½ cups rolled oats
    ½ tsp salt
    ¼ cup Ovaltine or chocolate flavored protein powder
    ¾ cup chopped walnuts
    1 cup raisins or chocolate chips (or ½ cup of each)

    Preheat oven to 350
    Mix butter and sugar, and protein powder together in medium mixing bowl
    Beat the egg and pour it in the bowl.
    Mash bananas in separate bowl, add them to the eggs, and mix well.
    Add Oatmeal
    Add the walnuts and the raisins or chocolate chips and stir.
    Line a 9” baking pan with parchment paper ( not wax paper) Butter ( I use cooking spray) top of paper.
    Pour the batter on the paper & spread evenly.
    Bake for 1 hour, let cool. Cut into bars & then wrap , and place in zip lock storage bags. Will freeze for several months

    Note: Sometimes I play with add in. Mix 1/2 & 1/2 Chocolate chips & dried cranberries, or sometimes I will put trail mix. Just to give variety on different hikes.

    They are a little high in calories, but when you're hiking or backpacking, you really need the calories.
  • tn_bigfoot
    Thanks Hikergirl, looks yummy!!!
  • stljam
    stljam Posts: 512 Member

    Have you tried substituting 1/2 of the butter for mashed avocado? I have done it in baking recipes with a lot of success. Makes things softer (think soft chew cookies vs regular chips ahoy, lol) and ups the nutrional value a lot.
  • yankee_grl
    Thanks Hiker Girl!! I love knowing exactly what I am eating and making my own energy bars is a good way to do that rather than eating store bought bars, which many time are just processed junk.
  • yankee_grl

    Have you tried substituting 1/2 of the butter for mashed avocado? I have done it in baking recipes with a lot of success. Makes things softer (think soft chew cookies vs regular chips ahoy, lol) and ups the nutrional value a lot.

    Love this idea!! Thanks!
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    I know this is kind of strange but I like to take cooked bacon on day hikes. It's packed with protein and salt and it keeps rather well once it's cooked.
  • Miss_Hiker_Pants
    Miss_Hiker_Pants Posts: 229 Member

    Have you tried substituting 1/2 of the butter for mashed avocado? I have done it in baking recipes with a lot of success. Makes things softer (think soft chew cookies vs regular chips ahoy, lol) and ups the nutrional value a lot.

    Awesome idea!!! I was going to also try trading out the brown sugar for molasses too! Looks like I have another project in the kitchen :happy:
  • kasaz
    kasaz Posts: 274 Member
    I like a plain old peanut butter and jelly sandwich on whole wheat bread and apple slices. I tired of the bars a while ago, but if I do have one I like the Cliff Mojo Bars. The ones with pretzels in them. I typically don't eat all that much hiking and spread it out so that it's never too much at one time.