

  • I weigh myself everyday. But I only record my weight on Thursdays. By weighing myself everyday it keeps me in check in case I overdue it every so often. If I don't weigh myself everyday I find that I tend to over eat. Ignorance IS NOT bliss.:happy:
  • I usually weigh myself everyday to keep myself in check. The only weigh in I use to base my weight loss is every Thursday night at my T.O.P.S. meeting. If I didn't weigh myself daily I would go off track. I have ocd so I have to.
  • I use to be a horrible binge eater. I could clean out my refrigerator in one setting when I was depressed or bored. Seriously, I would be so sick but I would keep eating. I joined TOPS ... Taking Off Pounds Sensibly in Nov. & the accountability really helps me. I started out at 197 lbs & I am down to 157.5. I still have…
  • Don't have any answers for you. Just wanted to tell you not to give up. You will figure it out. Keep trying ... that's all we can do!
  • Sorry to hear that you do not have the support you deserve. I have support & its hard for me, even with it. I hope that you can find strength within yourself because you deserve it. You deserve to be healthy & happy. Keep your chin up. We want you to succeed! I am giving you a big air hug. Good Luck!
  • To me, 1200 calories sounds too low. I am 5' 9.5 & I eat 1200 a day.
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