Feel free to add me! It does help to have a community of support!
I came back in July and decided to jump in to the community. It's very motivating and encouraging and I haven't given up so yea!!! Would be happy to cheer any of you on on this journey:)
Great job! I think a big part of being successful at ANYTHING is being able to identify your weaknesses, what sabotages you reaching your goals. Sounds like you are learning from past mistakes. Reaching out for encouragement and motivation during the time you know you are vulnerable is a GREAT plan! Keep it up!
I find the kind words and encouragement so helpful! Would be happy to be your friend:)
I'm newly addicted to overnight oats! I have an entire board of them pinned on Pinterest:) SO many ways to make them to your taste. East, convenient, healthy-so much to love about them!
I'm in with the wine too:)
I'm here for ya! I'm 43 and working on losing 25#'s more.
I agree! Friends are motivating! I could use some more motivation too! Please add me:)
I'm back after a hiatus too! Yeah us ;)
Exercise for an hour Log all my food
Can you add me? I need some motivation!
I need friends and motivation!
I would like to join!
I needed to read your post today! I too am so depressed. I have 40 pound to lose and have been relatively "good" for the past 10 days and NADA! ZERO! I know everone is well meaning with their suggestions, but seriously when you have this much to lose and you reduce your calories dramatically and increase your exercise…