

  • I've been doing low carb since 9/24/12 (a few days over 8 months) and have lost 84.6 lbs. [235 to 150.4, at 5'5"] I try to keep carbs under 40 a day (gross carbs, not net). My macro's average: fat 45%, protein 35%, carbs 20%. But ... I should have eaten more protein, I have lost some muscle. My only exercise has been…
  • I'm 5'5" and currently 154. I bought new pants when I reached 165 and was so proud to be in size 12! But I knew I was fatter than I had been on the way going up. I went through menopause 12 years ago (hysterectomy) and carry a lot more weight around my middle. The legs are baggy (My legs fit into 6 or 8's, but the tummy…
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